Mindfulness | Yoga | Connection | The Conscious Curator

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What is stress and how can breathing help?

Stress is something that all humans have to deal with! Some stress is positive, like in a life-threatening situation, but more often than not stress can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Stress is when you feel emotional or physical tension.  This tension can come from an event or thoughts you have throughout your day that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous.  

Now! How can breathing help?  

When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. This message signals the body to do the same. Taking deep breaths will prompt relaxation, slow your heart rate, and stimulate the vagus nerve in the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Below are my top 3 breathing techniques for stress.

  1. Belly Breathing

  • Sit or lay in a comfortable position

  • Put one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest

  • Take a breath through your nose and let your belly push your hand out

  • Breathe out through pursed lips like you are blowing a kiss

  • Do this 3-10 times

  1. 4-7-8 Breathing:

  • Sit or lay in a comfortable position

  • Exhale through your mouth completely making a whoosh sound

  • Inhale through the nose for the count of 4

  • Hold your breath for the count of 7

  • Exhale through your mouth for the count of 8 making a whooshing sound

  • Do this for 3 to 10 breaths

  1. 7/11 Breathing:

  • Sit or lay in a comfortable position

  • Place your hand on your belly

  • Breath into your hand on your belly for the count of 7

  • Exhale for the count of 11

  • Do this 3-10 times 

Keep these breathing techniques in your tool belt for the next time you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous!  Deep breathing will help you refocus and calm the mind so that you can make better choices throughout your day.